If you are going to be doing any traveling with your children, it can be a very enjoyable time but there may also be some stress that is associated with that as well. This is especially the case when it comes to your child and his or her luggage. After all, you want them to be responsible for the luggage that they are carrying and there’s no doubt that you are going to be busy during that time so it is more likely for that luggage to disappear, either temporarily or permanently. Here are some things that you can do to make that personalized kids luggage less likely to dissapear.
One thing that you can do is to cut your losses before any problems do occur. If your child is going to be carrying luggage, trying to split up the items that are being carried between a carry-on item and a bag that is checked. If you have more than one child, split their belongings between them. In that way, you won’t lose everything if one mistake occurs. If you have anything very important, such as medicine, credit cards or boarding passes, make sure that they are kept on your person at all times.
One other thing that you can do is to label the luggage. There are plenty of sew on or iron on name labels that are available for that purpose, some of which are certain to be appreciated by your child because of their uniqueness. A luggage label does not guarantee that problems are not going to occur but it makes it much more likely that you will end up with the luggage again at some point in the future. (Source: http://www.labelyourstuff.com/)